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Indian Samurai इंडियन सामुराई

Tag > buddha


Why in India most people are vegetarian?

india,food,vegetarian,non-vegetarian,pure vegetarian,veg,non-veg,meat,cow,pig,fish,jain,buddhist,hindu,religion,buddha,nonviolence,asoka,sacrifice,holy cow,sacred cow

My mother gave me an idea. She was in a great shape during her last trip to India and asked me about a dozen of questions every minute: and why is this woman dressed like that and why is this guy doing this and why this and why that? A bit annoyed by the number of questions and even more because I didn’t have the answer, I started making up (stupid) answers, which she kinda believed….    And then I thought that if my mother asks herself these questions, maybe others do too! And here is a series of posts like Why are Indians vegetarian? Why do Indians worship the cow? Why do Indians...

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A philosophy I quite like:   "Although it would be ridiculous to say that eroticism in art or religion began in any one place, it is certain that the specific philosophy known as “Tantra” began in India. It also reached its highest artistic expression there. Tantric art reached its zenith in the temples dedicated to Shiva at Khajuraho and Orissa.  ...

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