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The Indian (and hindu) version of the mermaid...

 Inde,Kamadhenu,religion,vache,vache sacrée,mère des vaches

Inde,Kamadhenu,religion,vache,vache sacrée,mère des vaches

 In Chennai, board of a furniture shop…

 It is Kamadhenu, the ‘Mother of cows’ or the ‘vache de tous les désires’ (some sort of Aladin genie), usually represented as a winged with cow with the head and breasts of a woman (Source).

 More about the sacred cow in India: here


Holy cow (again)!


Sometimes you think you are doing a good deed by giving the left over of the press cold machine to the cows downstairs... And then you get yelled at by their owners!! Because people actually come and pay to feed them (to get God blessings). So if you feed them, they will be full and won't eat devouts' offerings and they will take it very bad!!


And paf the cow, and paf the plane!

I remember rabbits running on the lawns in Orly (Paris) airports when I was little…

So what if in India there are cows on the runway?? We are not going to ‘make a cheese out of it’, are we (appropriate expression meaning ‘make a huge fuss about it’)??

Well, yeah, sometimes it causes accidents; put it on karma!

Plane hit cow.jpg

 Source :

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